Mastering DX Solution Sales


» Why am I in Sales Profession & What Sales Winners do differently – Refresher
» Current Economic & Business Priorities / Trends & how technology can help
» Recap of Information Technology infrastructure (Evolution, Trends and Future)
a) Computing (Hardware, Software, Storage, Networking, Services)
View More b) Data Centers
c) High Availability, Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity
d) The Internet & its impact
» Business Innovation catalyzed by Digital Transformation (What, Why, How)
a) Cloud
View More b) Analytics
c) Mobile
d) Social
e) Security
» Accelerated Transformation via Digital Innovation Accelerators (What, Why, How)
a) Artificial Intelligence (Cognitive, AI, ML, RPA)
View More b) Internet of Things (IOT) & Edge Computing
c) Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality (AR/VR)
d) Block-chain
e) 3D Printing
f) Robotics
» Industry specific IT Blueprints & Technology / DX Use Cases (Global & India context)
a) Banking & Insurance
View More b) Telecom
c) Manufacturing & Energy
d) E-commerce
e) Healthcare
f) Govt. to Citizen Services
» Call to Action (collaborative workshop & exercise)
a) Tell customers “What they don’t know”
View More b) Deliver WOW Customer Experience via Personalization
c) Demonstrate compelling Business Value – Link your solution to Business Outcome and Innovation
» Quiz & Digital Certificate


Master how to effectively align your offering / solution to Digital Innovation Agenda of your customer
Learn Digital disruption examples, Innovation Technology highlights, Industry specific Digital use-cases, Business Value selling to CXOs, Sales Winner – Best Practices & Art of Storytelling
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